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BGF ESG MltAs A2h€ k.
Gemengd Neutraal risico : Internationaal
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Koers 10-10-2024 15,04
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Genoteerd Nee
Valuta EUR
Beleggingsinstelling BlackRock (Luxembourg) S.A.
Investeringscategorie Gemengd Neutraal risico : Internationaal
Periode EUR Munt van oorsprong
1 maand 3,37% 3,37%
3 maanden -2,46% -2,46%
YTD -3,47% -3,47%
1 jaar 5,32% 5,32%
2 jaar 2,27% 2,27%
3 jaar 10,52% 10,52%
5 jaar
10 jaar
50% MSCI World / 50% CG WGBI Hedged into EUR
The Fund aims to maximise the return on your investment through a combination of capital growth and income on the Fund’s assets. The Fund invests globally in equity securities (e.g. shares), fixed income securities (such as bonds), funds, cash, deposits and money market instruments (i.e. debt securities with short term maturities). The asset classes and the extent to which the Fund is invested in these may vary without limit depending on market conditions and other factors at the investment adviser’s (IA) discretion. In selecting these, the IA may take into consideration the 50% MSCI World Index and 50% Citigroup World Government Bond Euro Hedged Index. The Fund’s investments may be issued by governments, government agencies, companies and supranationals (e.g. the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development). These may include securities with a relatively low credit rating or which are unrated. The IA will, in addition to the investment criteria set out above, take into account Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) characteristics when selecting the securities to be held directly by the Fund (rather than any securities held through undertakings for collective investment). The IA intends to exclude direct investment in securities of issuers including but not limited to: issuers which have exposure to, or ties with controversial weapons (nuclear, cluster munitions, biological-chemical, landmines, blinding laser, depleted uranium, or incendiary weapons); issuers deriving over 30% of revenue from thermal coal extraction and generation; tobacco producers and issuers deriving over 15% of revenue from tobacco retailing, distribution and licensing; issuers which produce firearms intended for retail to civilians or deriving over 5% of revenue from the retail of firearms to civilians; and issuers of securities that are deemed to have breached one or more of the ten United Nations Global Compact Principles (“UNGC”), which cover human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption. The UNGC is a United Nations initiative to implement universal sustainability principles. The IA also intends to limit direct investment in the production of alcohol for consumption or of drinks containing alcohol; the operation and support of gamblingrelated products; production, supply and mining activities related to nuclear power, and production of adult entertainment materials. To undertake this analysis and exclusion, the IA intends to use data provided by external ESG research providers, proprietary models and local intelligence. The IA will exclude any issuer with a MSCI ESG rating below BBB. The IA will take into account the above ESG criteria only when selecting the securities to be held directly by the Fund. The Fund may obtain indirect exposure (through including but not limited to, financial derivative instruments (FDIs) (i.e. investments the prices of which are based on one or more underlying assets) and units in collective investment schemes) to securities considered not to satisfy these ESG criteria. The assets held by the Fund may be denominated in a wide variety of currencies. The IA may use FDIs for investment purposes in order to achieve the investment objective of the Fund, and/or to reduce risk within the Fund’s portfolio, reduce investment costs and generate additional income. The Fund may, via FDIs, generate varying amounts of market leverage (i.e. where the Fund gains market exposure in excess of the value of its assets). Recommendation: This Fund may not be appropriate for short-term investment.
Spreidingen Data van 31-8-2024
Top 5 participaties
Greencoat UK Wind PLC 3,18%
NVIDIA Corp 2,35%
Microsoft Corp 2,1%
Rest 88,31%
Top 5 regio's %
Verenigde Staten 38,92
Italië 16,88
Japan 9,02
Verenigd Koninkrijk 7,07
Europese Unie 5,06
Activaspreiding %
Aandelen 58,11
Fixed Income 34,85
Overige 6,26
Depothouder The Bank of New York Mellon (Luxembourg) S.A.
Juridische aard Beleggingsvennootschap naar Luxemburgs recht
Einde fiscale jaar 31 August
Opstartdatum 07-04-2021
Datum Algemene Vergadering 20 juni
Valuta EUR
ISIN-code LU2310090357
Minimale inleg 10.000.000 stuks
Frequentie van notering dagelijks
Kapitalisatie / Dividend C
Beleggingsinstelling BlackRock (Luxembourg) S.A.
Straat 35 A, avenue J.F. Kennedy
Plaats Luxembourg
  + 352 34 2010 4201