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IssueId: 616175561
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SISF MltAs Gwth and I U ZARh u.
Gemengd Neutraal risico : Internationaal
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51 - 65 of 65
NaamDiv.Div. brut.Dat. Ex div.Betaaldatum
SISF MltAs Gwth and I U ZARh 25,5730-1-202010-2-2020
SISF MltAs Gwth and I U ZARh 24,6719-12-201917-1-2020
SISF MltAs Gwth and I U ZARh 23,7328-11-201910-12-2019
SISF MltAs Gwth and I U ZARh 23,5031-10-201912-11-2019
SISF MltAs Gwth and I U ZARh 23,0326-9-20198-10-2019
SISF MltAs Gwth and I U ZARh 23,0229-8-20199-9-2019
SISF MltAs Gwth and I U ZARh 23,4425-7-20196-8-2019
SISF MltAs Gwth and I U ZARh 22,8327-6-20198-7-2019
SISF MltAs Gwth and I U ZARh 21,6430-5-201911-6-2019
SISF MltAs Gwth and I U ZARh 23,1525-4-20198-5-2019
SISF MltAs Gwth and I U ZARh 20,2028-3-20198-4-2019
SISF MltAs Gwth and I U ZARh 23,6228-2-201911-3-2019
SISF MltAs Gwth and I U ZARh 23,2731-1-201912-2-2019
SISF MltAs Gwth and I U ZARh 14,8020-12-201818-1-2019
SISF MltAs Gwth and I U ZARh 23,9629-11-201810-12-2018