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170101 - 170121 of 170121
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Dims Global Sustainab EUR Di 9,28 0,00 0,220,540,871,751,319-7-2024
Dims Wrld Alloc 20/80 EUR Di 10,43 0,10 0,100,481,164,723,579-7-2024
FILF The United State Class k. 106,63 0,03 -0,890,991,575,794,749-7-2024
FILF The United States G Acc k. 10.664,74 0,03 -0,890,991,575,794,749-7-2024
Dims Multi Factor Bal JPY Ac 1.246,66 0,07 -0,31-0,40-1,106,451,719-7-2024
Dims Pacific Basin SmCos £ k. 37,80 -0,32 -0,280,68-0,687,664,169-7-2024
FILF The United State Class u. 1,00 0,00 -0,980,580,30 1,989-7-2024
Dims EM Lg Cap Core E SEK Ac 14,51 0,69 1,652,765,9918,4112,189-7-2024
Dims Global Sustainab GBP Di 9,43 0,00 0,721,490,733,792,959-7-2024
PineBr PineBridge USD H X2HD u. 896,41 0,22 0,961,562,695,762,119-7-2024
Dims Global Sustainab SEK Ac 10,29 0,00 0,52-0,161,459,86-1,359-7-2024
FILF The United State B Flex u. 1,00 0,00 -0,980,580,300,491,989-7-2024
FILF The United State Class u. 1,00 0,00 -0,980,580,30 1,989-7-2024
Dims Gl Val USD Accumulation 11,45 -0,35 -0,980,23-1,93 9,739-7-2024
Dims World Sustainability € u. 12,39 0,08 0,161,312,3117,8710,229-7-2024
Dims Global Sustainab USD Di 10,26 0,00 -0,691,371,582,794,119-7-2024
Dims Global Sustainab SEK ac k. 9,74 0,62 0,53-1,05   9-7-2024
Dims Global Sustainab USD Ac 11,67 -0,09 -0,72-0,19-1,96 2,779-7-2024
Investors Gl Aristocrats B k. 173,33 -1,23 0,090,302,3918,7810,264-8-2024
DDA Crypto Select 10 ETP A 12,97 6,14 -8,79-19,56-16,8780,9532,415-10-2024
Iconic Funds Physical Bitcoi 6,03 8,21 -8,27-18,97-17,3788,8638,225-10-2024