This is the share price of Orange Belgium. Last updated: 7/17/2024 2:41:26 PM


Share price information

  Value Time
Last 14.74 2:41:26 PM
Cum. volume 1,101 2:41:26 PM
Open 14.62 9:00:24 AM
High 14.74 11:15:46 AM
Low 14.62 9:00:24 AM
% Difference +0.82 %  
Last closing price 14.62 7/16/2024
Bid 14.70 3:15:18 PM
Bid volume 126
Ask 14.74 3:28:00 PM
Ask volume 181

Historical survey

  Value % Difference
Price 1 week ago 14.80 −0.41 %
Price 1 month ago 14.70 +0.27 %
Price 6 months ago 13.44 +9.67 %
Price 1 year ago 14.40 +2.36 %

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