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ASR Kapitaalmarkt Fonds - APPA Fonds

Administrator: ASR Vermogensbeheer N.V.

ISIN: NL0013019268

Date: 31/12/2024 ?
Lower risk Higher risk
Potentially lower return Potentially higher return



Key information document


Annual reports

Semi annual reports

AIF Manager



Price trend and fund data

Price: € 13,093.20


Previous price: € 13,093.20


Difference: 0.00

Councilors and other political office holders

The APPA Act regulates the pension and social security of ministers, state secretaries, members of the House of Representatives of the States General, mayors and aldermen, provincial executives, king's commissioners, members and (part-time) chairman of the day-to-day management of a water Authority.


The fund promotes sustainability features by applying the Manager's sustainability policy when making investment decisions. More information about this can be found in the prospectus.

Strict requirements

The APPA sets strict requirements for how municipalities and other governments should dispose of pension funds. For example, this law states that municipalities are their own risk bearers when it comes to paying out accrued pensions. Security is paramount in pension accrual. That is why, in addition to the APPA, the Fido Act also applies, which lays down the requirements that the pension accrual must meet.

Unique solution

Together with VNG Verzekeringen, a.s.r. asset management a unique solution especially for the APPA: the a.s.r. capital market fund – APPA fund. In this fund, the individual pension amounts of the participants are combined in a so-called 'pool'. Pooled investing offers major advantages through economies of scale and optimal diversification.

Flexible pension accrual

With the a.s.r. capital market fund – APPA fund offers you optimum flexibility. This way you can invest free of charge when necessary. For example, when new aldermen are appointed. You can withdraw money every month at no cost.

Good yield

Striving at the a.s.r. capital market fund – APPA fund is the highest possible return in the long term. The fund invests in highly reliable fixed-income securities in accordance with the Fido Act. The investments are geared to the pension obligations of the participants. And the costs are low. The fund is actively managed. A benchmark is not used for this.

Returns per calendar year

2024 +3.72%
2023 +6.47%
2022 -11.18%
2021 -1.65%
Source: ASR

Fund performance

1 month +0.42%
YTD +0.42%
1 year +4.13%
3 years avg. -0.24%
5 years avg. -0.53%
Since inception
Reference date 31/01/2025
Source: ASR

Fund data

Total Net Assets 25,832,768.61 (31/01/2025)
Number of shares 1,979.69 (31/01/2025)
Type of fund Fixed income funds
Currency EUR
Tradable Weekly
Entry fee 0.10%
Exit fee 0.10%

Please note